In this article, we'll cover some of the frequently asked questions regarding orders in Onport.
It can also be helpful to troubleshoot some issues you may face when managing orders.
Can't find the order in Onport
If having trouble finding the order in Onport while searching the order reference, the order ID from the marketplace's e-commerce platform can be used and should return the correct order:
The vendor claims they can't find an order in their system
If the vendor can't find the order, you need to check if:
1) The order was indeed sent to the vendor's system - if this bar is green and the notification was sent, you will know the order was sent:
2) Do we have a response from the vendor's system in our logs? Most likely we also have an Order ID that was generated. By clicking the symbol of the vendor's platform, you'll be able to find the information you need to confirm the order was sent:
Note: in case of discrepancies between order data sent (for example tax values), it is highly recommended to compare the line items sent with the line items received back from the vendor's system in order to confirm that the manipulation has occurred in the vendor's store.
What happens if the marketplace cancels an order but the vendor ships it anyway?
If an order gets canceled by the marketplace before it is shipped but is shipped afterward from the vendor’s Shopify, it will not be possible for Onport to retrieve fulfillment details from said vendor store.
The vendor is receiving orders with incorrect customer names
If you've received reports from vendors saying that they received a new order from your marketplace, and the customer name of all previous orders changed to the latest customer, this is due to the fact that you are using your company email address as order whitelabeling which is not recommended.
In some platforms, while the email address is kept constantly under the marketplace name, the end customer's billing name may change on every order.
The best approach is to ensure that the option "Your email" is not selected under Contacts > Dropship Providers > (choose vendor) > Orders tab > setting "Include customer email":
The option "None" is also not recommended because the majority of e-commerce platforms do not accept orders without an email address. Leaving this value may lead to higher error rates in sending orders, regardless of the platform.