This article explores how you can provide labels to your vendors, whilst also being the driver of the rates used to generate these.
As a Marketplace, you have the option to generate shipping labels for your vendors at a rate defined upon generation moment or previously defined by you. Providing labels centralizes shipping operations, providing you with better control over the shipping process and customer journey - more control over delivery time, carriers are used, and overall shipping experience.
Labels generated in Onport
1. Setup the vendor contact in Onport
In order to be able to provide labels to your vendors, it is important to configure their Contact in Onport for this purpose.
Head to Contacts > Dropship Providers > Shipping Tab. Under the setting “Dropship shipping rates”, select the option “Provide Shipping Labels”. After this option has been selected, other settings will appear associated with it. We recommend analyzing and selecting the preferred option for all settings, according to your agreement.
👉 Important notes:
- Defining a default weight can be important if the variants in Onport do not contain a weight associated with them. We recommend the default weight be the average weight of a package shipped from that vendor.
- It is mandatory to associate a shipping rate when selecting this option. Make sure the shipping rate associated can generate labels to provide.
2. Generating labels
2.1. Vendor generates label
When using the Vendor Portal, the vendor will be able to generate labels on demand. Whilst using the vendor portal, the vendor is also able to input package weight and dimensions before label generation.
2.2. Marketplace generates label
It is also possible for the Marketplace to generate the labels in Onport and send them via email (or automatically through the vendor portal). In order to achieve this, you will need to head to the Dropship Purchases > Order > Under Shipping and press the button "Purchase Label".
Once this is done, the label will be ready to use:
2.3. Automatic label generation
When using a Full Order Automation method (Shopify, WooCommerce, Prestashop, etc), setting “Purchase Labels Automatically” must be enabled to communicate the label automatically with the order. The label will be passed on through a URL where the vendor can access and print the label.
Vendor using Shopify - example:
3. Setup the vendor shipping rate
In order to set up the vendor shipping rate to provide labels, you will have to have an integration with a Shipping Aggregator or a Custom Integration that will support this.
The options available are:
- Live Carrier Rates - article here.
- Carrier Rates when setting up Shipping per Zones - article here. *
* Advanced Shipping rules are not available to all Onport Subscriptions
Labels generated outside of Onport
If you have an agreement with a logistics provider where it’s not possible to create a custom connection to Onport, we offer the option to manually upload the label generated outside of the platform and communicate it to your vendor, if they use the vendor vendor portal.
Under the dropship purchase, you will be able to ship the order and, after the order is marked as manually shipped, upload the label PDF in Onport so the vendor can access in the Vendor Portal, as seen here:
👉 Important notes:
- The dropship rate set in the vendor contact under the Shipping tab will depend from case to case. We would recommend checking with Onport Support what is the most recommended option given your objective.