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How to setup HS codes
Updated over 2 months ago


In this article, we show how to set HS codes for variants at a country level.

Getting started

When managing a more complex logistic flow, you may require that your Vendors supply per-country HS codes - Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System.
Onport can support you in setting up country-level HS codes that will override the variant-level HS code when generating shipping labels.

❗️This is applicable to any logistics integration that currently makes use of HS codes in Onport.

How to set up HS codes at a Country level?

Under the menu "Integrations", you will find the "Shipping" section with all the integrations Onport supports. Select the Shipping Integration you would like to set the country-level HS codes for.

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By clicking on the shipping integration of choice and scrolling down the page, you will find the section called "Variant HS Codes".


Here is where you will be able to add the HS codes at a country level:

  1. Individually

    Add each variant individually whilst filling in the associated HS Code and respective Country.

    Screen Recording 11-17-2022 at 9.12 AM

    ❗️The "Variant" field corresponds to the variant SKU

  2. In Bulk

    Bulk upload all variants with the associated HS code per country using a CSV file. Please find the template suggested in the attachments.

    Note: SKU, 2-digit ISO Country Code, and HS Code are mandatory fields.

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