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How to override a product inventory policy
How to override a product inventory policy
Updated over 2 months ago


In this article, we will cover how to override a product inventory policy. Depending on what you are looking to achieve, the way setup that will lead you to the inventory policy override can be different. Whether you are looking to use the vendor's inventory policy and override it for a handful of products or wish to set the policy directly from Onport, without using the vendor's policy, this article will help you attain this.


In this article, we will refer to different notions that are important to understand in detail. In Onport we identify an Inventory Variant and an Inventory Feed Variant as two different concepts.

The Inventory Variant is the variant found under the "Inventory" Menu and is imported from your E-commerce store, while the Inventory Feed Variant lives in the Vendor's "Inventory Feed" Menu and is imported from the vendor's catalog.

Both variants can have different settings or characteristics but are often connected in Onport, via SKU, when they refer to the same product. The Inventory Variant is a representation of the variant in your E-commerce Store, whereas the Inventory Feed Variant is the detailed version of the variant from the Vendor's Store.

❗️ Disclaimer : There are Inventory Variants that may not be connected to Inventory Feed variants.

Override the inventory policy for an Inventory Variant

When you are looking to set the inventory policy for an inventory variant, this can be done directly from the "Inventory" Menu by following the steps below:

Changing the policy here will be useful if the variant isn't connected to an inventory feed. An example of this is when:

  • The inventory variant is an in-house product;

  • The inventory variant is a dropshipped product but it is not connected to a vendor's inventory feed.

    ❗️ Please note that if you set an inventory policy for an variant that is connected to an inventory feed variant with a different policy, Onport will override it with the policy that is set in the inventory feed.

Override the inventory policy for an Inventory Feed Variant

When you are looking to set the inventory policy for an inventory feed variant, follow the steps below:

  1. Head to the Inventory Menu;

  2. Select the "Inventory Feeds";

  3. Select the Inventory Feed you desire;

  4. Locate the Inventory Feed Variant you wish to override the inventory policy;

  5. Press over the "Inventory" amount as shown below:

Alternatively, you can also change the policy by entering the product details from the "Inventory" Menu.

  1. Head to the Inventory Menu;

  2. Locate the Inventory Variant you wish to override the inventory policy;

  3. Press over the Product Name;

  4. Select the Tab "Inventory" and scroll down until you find the inventory settings as shown below:

❗️ When setting an Inventory Policy at an Inventory Feed Level, the priority rules are as follows:

  1. If no override on the feed or vendor item, it uses the vendor default policy.

  2. If there is an override on the feed level, that takes prevalence.

  3. If the policy is set on the item level, then that's applied to that specific product.

🔎 If you are looking to override the inventory policy for the entire inventory feed, please view the article How to override the vendor's policy for your inventory.

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