In this article, we show how to set up a vendor in Onport.
Getting started
When setting up a vendor is important to fill in all their details in order to get your orders up and running smoothly.
Go to Onport > Contacts > + New dropship provider > Follow the steps provided and fill in the information required:
Setting up a vendor
Essential information that must be filled in:
Contact tab > vendor's contact details such as email, full address, and phone number (if providing labels to your vendors these details will be needed for label generation);
Orders tab > choose the type of order automation and follow the desired Vendor Integration steps;
Shipping tab > select the best option for your shipping labels/rates;
Products tab > if you're not fully integrated with your vendor, this is where you create a vendor's inventory feed;
Payment tab > select your preferred option to calculate cost prices based on commission or fixed amount. You can also set automated payments to your vendors (Advanced Plan or above).
As you follow along the tabs, you will find additional information that you may fill in as you go and set according to your business preferences.