Automatically convert tags to metafields

Ana Brandão
Ana Brandão
  • Updated


In this article, you'll find information about the feature to convert tags into metafields, which will enhance the efficiency of organising and managing data.

This feature will accept an array as input which consists of characters used to split the tags such as a colon (:) or a pipe (|). This will allow the platform users to customize how tags are dissected based on their specific delimiters, accommodating various data structuring practices.
Once the tags are split using the specified characters, each segment is then processed and converted into structured metafields.

How to Set it up

In order to set this up, go to Inventory > Inventory Feeds > (Choose Inventory Feed) > Publishing tab > Convert tags to metafields

This will take a tag value, split it and then set the value in the metafield. 

Mapping the metafields

Once you have the tags converted into metafields, you can map them by going into Inventory > Inventory Feeds > (Choose Inventory Feed) > Mapping tab > How to change vendor product values

Mapping Metafields.png

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