In this article, we show how Onport allows you to decide whether to provide customers with free shipping or only to provide it under certain conditions.
Getting started
Choosing what to charge your customer for shipping at checkout is a vital business decision - Shipping fees can contribute to a sustainable dropshipping business but the absence of these is a sale booster.
Channel-wide free shipping
If you’re managing checkout rates directly in your channel without any input from Onport, you can set it up directly in your frontend platform.
However, if you are using Onport as a third-party shipping rates provider in Shopify *, you can instead use our Free Shipping Override feature, which allows you a few options to set up channel wide Free Shipping, either by setting a 0 threshold to allow for unconditional Free Shipping, or by setting conditions to ensure any order that meets your criteria will be given Free Shipping, from threshold to shipment origin.
❗️Make sure your Shopify Subscription is able to support third-party app shipping rates.
Vendor or product-based free shipping
Onport allows you to drive checkout rates to your Shopify channel in a very customizable way. You can set rates per shipment - which usually means per vendor as well - or even per product.
By assigning a vendor to a Vendor Shipping Rate, we are making it so any shipments originated by that vendor will display the rules and costs defined in that Vendor Shipping Rate.
To do this, you need to either assign the vendor to an existing Vendor Shipping Rate:
Or create a Vendor Shipping Rate from scratch and assign any number of vendors to it from there.
Here we can use the Free Shipping Override at the rate level to make sure that items shipped by vendors hereby assigned will have Free Shipping - again, with or without set conditions.
With the option to apply Free Shipping according to value, you can establish a threshold upon which your customer won’t be charged for shipping.
With Free Shipping according to tags, you establish which products get Free Shipping depending on tags that you can apply at the variant level.