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All CollectionsVendor SetupIntegrations
Vendor integration - Webhooks
Vendor integration - Webhooks
Updated over 2 months ago


In this article, we describe how to integrate with Webhooks.

Getting started

Send a Webhook automatically to your dropship providers, containing the details of the dropship purchase order and any generated labels.

When selected, Onport will send dropship providers a JSON payload as a POST request containing details of the dropship purchase order. Just enter the API path to send the payload to - you may want to test this first on a site like Hookbin.

Below is a sample JSON body for a purchase order:

  "packingSlip": "",
  "dropshipments": [
      "labelFileFormat": "pdf",
      "labelUrl": "",
      "trackingUrl": "",
      "trackingCompany": "USPS",
      "trackingNumber": "92055901755477000000000015",
      "id": 419,
      "packingDepth": 0,
      "packingWidth": 0,
      "packingHeight": 0,
      "grams": 0,
      "price": 0
  "purchaseItems": [
      "variant": {
        "inventory_feed_variants": [],
        "images": [
        "vendorSku": null,
        "barcode": null,
        "sku": "DB5-CAM-9",
        "id": 457,
        "costPrice": 0
      "quantityInvoiced": 1,
      "inventoryProcessed": 1,
      "quantity": 1,
      "name": "Doc Black Camo Sandal",
      "variantId": 457,
      "companyId": 1,
      "id": 316,
      "subtotal": 0,
      "price": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "returnStatus": "notReturned",
      "invoiceStatus": "invoiced",
      "inventoryStatus": "received",
      "isComponent": false
  "sale": {
    "customer": {
      "phone": "+447824449752",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "firstName": "Jack",
      "email": "[email protected]"
    "dateOrdered": "2018-03-05T23:05:09.000Z",
    "externalId": null,
    "reference": "10234",
    "id": 254,
    "combinedTaxRate": 0,
    "tax": 0,
    "discounts": 0,
    "subtotal": 0,
    "total": 0
  "purchase": {
    "dropship_provider_id": 1,
    "company_id": 1,
    "purchase_status_id": null,
    "updatedAt": "2018-03-05T23:05:12.599Z",
    "createdAt": "2018-03-05T23:05:12.599Z",
    "reminderLastSent": null,
    "reminderSent": false,
    "vendorEndpointHeaders": null,
    "vendorEndpointResponse": null,
    "vendorEndpointFormat": null,
    "vendorReceivedReference": null,
    "vendorReceivedId": null,
    "vendorReceivedStatus": "notSent",
    "vendorReference": null,
    "approved": true,
    "dropshipNotes": null,
    "isDropship": true,
    "purchaseType": "automated_dropship",
    "lastGoodsReceiptReference": 0,
    "lastDropshipmentReference": 1,
    "lastPurchaseInvoiceReference": 1,
    "files": null,
    "purchaseStatusId": null,
    "saleId": 254,
    "purchaseId": null,
    "dropshipProviderId": 1,
    "vendorId": null,
    "warehouseId": null,
    "priceListId": 2,
    "receiverZip": null,
    "receiverCountry": null,
    "receiverState": null,
    "receiverCity": null,
    "receiverAddressLineTwo": null,
    "receiverAddressLineOne": null,
    "receiverName": null,
    "shippingZip": "94105",
    "shippingCountry": "US",
    "shippingState": "CALIFORNIA",
    "shippingCity": "San Francisco",
    "shippingAddressLineTwo": null,
    "shippingAddressLineOne": "181 Fremont St",
    "shippingName": "Jack Inc",
    "billingZip": "94105",
    "billingCountry": "US",
    "billingState": "CA",
    "billingCity": "San Francisco",
    "billingAddressLineTwo": null,
    "billingAddressLineOne": "181 Fremont St",
    "billingName": "jetti-imac-2",
    "billingAddressMessage": null,
    "invalidBillingAddress": false,
    "shippingAddressMessage": false,
    "invalidShippingAddress": false,
    "shippingLastName": null,
    "shippingFirstName": null,
    "billingLastName": null,
    "billingFirstName": null,
    "tags": null,
    "customerReference": null,
    "notes": null,
    "cancellationStatus": "none",
    "returnStatus": "notReturned",
    "invoiceStatus": "invoiced",
    "paymentStatus": "notPaid",
    "countyTaxLocation": null,
    "cityTaxLocation": null,
    "stateTaxLocation": null,
    "districtTaxRate": null,
    "countyTaxRate": null,
    "cityTaxRate": null,
    "stateTaxRate": null,
    "quantity": 0,
    "weight": 0,
    "taxIncluded": false,
    "taxShipping": true,
    "dateOrdered": "2018-03-05T23:05:12.000Z",
    "cancelledAt": null,
    "cancelled": false,
    "finalized": true,
    "locked": false,
    "reference": "10234-01",
    "adjustmentReasonId": null,
    "companyId": 1,
    "id": 258,
    "combinedTaxRate": 0,
    "tax": 0,
    "discounts": 0,
    "subtotal": 0,
    "total": 0,
    "inventoryStatus": "shipped"
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