In this article, we describe how to integrate with an OpenCart vendor. If your vendor has an OpenCart store, Onport can automatically sync products and orders.
Getting started
OpenCart does not provide API access to sync product and inventory data with Onport out of the box. Because of this, you'll need to add the 'API connector' file to the web server that OpenCart is installed on.
In most cases, this can be done via the "cpanel" dashboard available from your hosting provider. If someone built and set up your store for you, it should only take a few minutes for them to set this up on your behalf.
Save the API connector file into "/public_html/catalog/controller/api/jetti.php"
To check the file worked, you should then be able to access the following URL:
https://<your domain here>/index.php?route=api/jetti/products
If that loads correctly, contact your merchant or our support team to finalize the setup by sending in the above URL.