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Vendor integration - Magento
Vendor integration - Magento
Updated over 2 months ago


In this article, we describe how to integrate with a Magento vendor. If your vendor has a Magento store, Onport can automatically sync products.

Getting started

Magento offers a set of features for selling products and managing orders online. You can publish and automatically sync products between your Magento vendors and your store. Onport also automates order routing and tracking, so that Magento vendors are able to view, fulfill, and track orders directly from their Magento store.

Syncing with Magento vendors

Syncing with a Magento store, your vendor will need to provide you with the following:

  • Store URL

  • User

  • Password

  • Magento Store (optional)

  • API Path (optional)

  • Shipping Method title (optional)

  • Agreement (optional)

  • Payment module (optional - under Optional fields)

When creating a new Magento vendor in Onport > Contacts, you will need to fill these in the respective fields when setting up the order routing and creating the inventory feed.

Store URL, Magento store, shipping method, payment module

1. Store URL

The first thing required from your vendor is their Store URL, e.g. Your vendor can find their Store URL by clicking on customer view from their Magento account and copying the URL it displays.

2. Magento Store

The Magento Store is the store code. This can be found in Stores > All Stores, and it is the code under the column Store View. This is useful in the case that your vendor has multiple stores, as they should provide you with the store code of the store you are looking to connect to.

3. Shipping method

The Shipping method title is optional as well, and if left blank, it will default to flat rate. If you wanted to change it, the vendor would need to go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Shipping Methods and choose one of the titles there.

4. Payment module

The Payment Module is another optional field and allows Onport to set up a specific payment method when orders are created in the Magento store. It defaults to one of the available payment methods but it is possible to define a specific one.

In order to see which payment methods are configured in the vendor's Magento store, they need to access Admin -> Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods From that page, they can see the payment methods and how they are configured as well as choose the most suitable one for order routing.

Onport requires the Payment Module code to be entered. In order to simplify this process, the most common payment method codes are shown below.

cashondelivery : Cash On Delivery

checkmo : Check / Money order

free : No Payment Information Required

banktransfer : Bank Transfer Payment

purchaseorder : Purchase Order

The code highlighted in bold needs to be entered in the Payment Module field.

Further payment modules may be set up in the vendor's store. The vendor will be able to provide you with the most relevant payment module code. Alternatively, you can leave the field blank. Onport will select the free payment method by default.

By default, Onport creates an order with the agreement Id set to 1. If the vendor requires a certain agreement ID to be sent to the order, it is possible to specify it in the Dropship Provider Order setting's Magento agreement field.

Connecting via admin token

  1. Go to Settings > Integrations

  2. Click Add New Integration

  3. Add a Name, enter password and hit Save

  4. Copy the Access Token

  5. Enter it into the API Key field in Onport

Connecting via user and password (legacy)

The next credentials needed are the username and password. Your vendor will need to first create a user role with the correct permissions needed, and then they can create the user name assigned to that role. The following permissions are needed for this role:

Order Sync

  1. Sales > Operations > Orders > Actions > Invoice

  1. Stores > Settings > All Stores

Inventory Sync

  1. Catalog > Inventory > Products

  1. Stores > Settings > All Stores > Configuration > Inventory Section

  1. Stores > Settings > Attributes > Product

Once the permissions of the user role are set, your vendor can create a new user under their Magento account. To do this, they need to navigate to Systems > All users > Add new user

Before saving the new user, it is important that your vendor selects the user role they created in the earlier step so that Onport can access all relevant data.

❗️When creating orders, ensure that the shipping information includes the first and last name of the customer, an email address, and a phone number. These details are required for the order to process.

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