What is Shopify Markets?
It's a built-in Shopify tool/add-on that allows you to manage and customize different markets you operate in. With this tool, you can set specific product catalogs to manage pricing and publishing for your retail locations.
What can you do with Shopify Markets?
"Markets lets you customize your catalog (the list of products and their associated prices), your store’s theme, currency, languages, content, domains and business entities to curate the exact shopping experience you want to provide for a specific buyer in a specific market." - Introducing Markets: A Unified Home for Business Expansion by Shopify
How can Onport help?
Apart from the vendor's default currency, we can now sync all currencies available in the vendor's Shopify Markets simultaneously into the same feed and relay this information to each Shopify Market in your store. This way, you don't need multiple feeds to handle multicurrency operations with your vendors, which makes this a seamless process. Furthermore, our system syncs back orders in different currencies.
For the Shopify Markets-related features to work, there are additional permissions to be added in the vendor's Shopify store, apart from the ones mentioned in the Shopify vendor integration article:
Shopify Market order sync would only work when:
"use the price in the vendor's store" is chosen as the order price;
no tax setting is enabled in the Tax section related to sending tax to the vendor's store.
Further details on this are explained in step 5.1.
❗️Note: markets aren’t locations - Onport syncs to a currency but not to a location.
Common use cases
Your vendor is working with Shopify Markets to generate prices in different currencies, and you want to mimic that in your Shopify Markets.
Your vendor marks up the prices in a given currency, but not in their default one and you want to ensure you're not losing money if you sell the items in such currency by importing the vendor's prices as they exist in their Shopify Markets.
1. Create the currencies
If your vendor's default currency is different than yours and they sell items in CAD, EUR and USD, for instance, you'll first need to create all of these under Setup > Currencies:
🔎 See this article for more information on currency conversion.
2. Create the price lists
Same logic as step 1, you'll need to create price lists for all the currencies you'll be syncing to your store under Setup > Price Lists:
🔎 Here's more information on how to manage price lists and here you'll find the steps needed to set up multi-currencies when you have several Shopify stores.
❗️We recommend naming the price lists to avoid confusion and keeping the currency round-up feature off as it may interfere with the price sync.
3. Associate the currency and price lists to the vendor's feed
Go to the Inventory feed > Settings > Inventory and Prices tab > Disable "Sync all price lists" > Add the price list* > Save:
* How do I know which price list to sync?
- Example 1: your default currency is GBP and the vendor's is EUR.
In this case, you'll need to create the feed, identify the currency as being EUR and associate a Euros Price List to the feed which you will then connect to your Euros Shopify Market - explained in step 4.
If you also want to use the USD prices the vendor has available, you'll need to associate a USD Price List in the feed with the new multicurrency feature, and later map it to your USD Shopify Market.
- Example 2: the vendor's default currency is JPY but you do not have an equivalent market and do not wish to sell in JPY.
In this case, you'll identify the currency as JPY in the feed for conversion purposes and specify your default price list (typically called Online Store) in the correspondent field. In the multicurrency feature, you'll add all the Price Lists of currencies you want to use from this vendor.
🔎 Find out more on how to create multiple inventory feeds for the same vendor here.
3.1. Multicurrency syncing
❗️This feature will only appear if you turn off "Sync all price lists":
This is where you'll add the Price Lists you previously created, which represent the vendor currencies you'd like to sync to your Shopify Markets.
4. Connect the price lists to your Shopify Markets
Now that you've created all inventory feeds with the correct price lists and you have all your Shopify Markets set up, it's time to connect everything.
For that, go to Integrations > Shopify > (your store) > Setup tab > "Manage Shopify price lists":
In the pop-up, select your Shopify Market from the list and associate the price list you've created after:
Finally, click "Add channel price list".
4.1. Restrict the price list to specific vendors
If this is only applicable to a certain vendor or vendors, you'll need to restrict it, otherwise, it will apply to all who share the same price list:
5. Order sync
To ensure that your vendor's orders are sent in a given currency and that the invoices reflect this, you'll need to go to:
1. Contacts > Dropship Providers > (choose vendor) > Payment setup tab > Currency > choose currency in the dropdown:
2. Contacts > Dropship Providers > (choose vendor) > Orders tab > Currency for order sync > choose currency in the dropdown:
🔎 Read more on how to sync the dropship purchases in the vendor's currency here.
5.1. Order sync between vendor and marketplace Shopify Market locations
This setup will ensure that orders from your US market will sync to the vendor's US market as well, for instance. In order for this to work you'll need to:
1. Go to Contacts > Dropship Providers > (choose vendor) > Orders tab > Manage location mapping > Map the countries > Save:
Here you're setting up the Marketplace "Ship from" which will be mapped on the vendor's side.
2. Still on the orders tab, you'll need to select the option "use the default price in their store". Other options will not work, you will need to sync the price in the vendor's store, and Save:
3. Under the Tax tab, you'll need to turn off tax syncing to the dropship provider's store, and Save:
👉 If you still have questions, please submit a ticket with our Support team!