This article describes how to publish variant images to BigCommerce and Shopify marketplaces from Shopify Vendors.
Getting started
This feature allows BigCommerce and Shopify marketplaces to upload images for their variants from Shopify vendors. Image upload is only supported on variant creation for BigCommerce stores, whereas both update and creation are supported for Shopify stores.
How to set it up
To enable this feature you must enable the following 3 requirements:
Go to Inventory > Inventory Feeds > select feed (Shopify only)> go to Settings (at the top) > Publishing tab > Sync Images option must be enabled > Save:
When publishing products from the Shopify Vendor's inventory feed click the Publish button and enable Sync Images from the pop-up window:
Within your Store's Channel (Shopify/Bigcommerce), you must also enable this setting.
Go to Integrations > select Shopify or Bigcommerce > select channel > Publishing tab > enable Publish variant images > Save.