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Connect Onport to BigCommerce
Updated over 2 months ago


You have the ability to sync orders, shipments and inventory between Onport and BigCommerce.

How to generate API credentials in BigCommerce

You'll need to create an API within BigCommerce so that your store can be connected with Onport. For that, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Log into the store using the store owner’s username/password

  2. Select Settings on the left panel

  3. Scroll down to API Accounts

  4. Select Store Level API Account

  5. Click Create API Account

    image (1).png

  6. Select the scopes you require and name the account. In the Name field, enter Onport - this name is for internal use only, so assign any name that you will recognize if needed

  7. Save at the page’s lower right-hand corner

  8. Copy over the details to Onport

image (2).png

How to connect BigCommerce to Onport

1. In Onport, add a BigCommerce store under Setup > Integrations.

2. Enter the details from the previous steps. You will need to add the Client ID, Client Secret, Access Token, and Store URL.

❗️The Store URL is the URL you see when you go to your store's page. It should be

3. Add the store hash. To get the store hash, you need to collect the API path, which is a unique URL that you can find when you create the API Account. At the end of the URL, there is a series of numbers and letters, e.g. wyiiub56c0 - this is what you need to copy into the store hash field in Onport:

Assuming the API Path is:{HASH}/v3/ , the {HASH} portion of the URL will need to be copied.

4. You will need to set the Authentication Type to Private to be able to display the fields that will allow you to enter the API keys.

Your BigCommerce store will now be connected to Onport.

❗️Important note: Under Integrations > BigCommerce > (your store), make sure the Connect button is green. If applicable, you should also click "Import products" once you're ready to import the items you have previously created in your store:

If you still have questions, feel free to open a ticket with our Support team.

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